Subtle Sensationalism, to thwart the rest of the channels operating out of the crowded transmission archipelago that is the NCR, NDTV has emerged as the lone ranger, a champion of the urbanite who reasons with the development and taking notice that revolves around brand 'India' post 2000. Beautifully gracious presenters, minute investigative journalism but Larger than life portrayal of Bollywood as well as Cricket. As per Maslow, Basic needs are met by the urbanite, now the social need and the urge to belong to a society. I feel the same relationship with this channel being part of this same urban India throughout my advent as a teenager. Today, I realised that the same channel which coerced exuberance within me to shape my opinion in and around the tone of the presenter has lost my vote. Indian TV for me would never be the same again.
A week of following the man's comments on NDTV makes me realise how much they have actually helped shape the entire week long controversy. Their own debate this evening had a segment where the participants were asked to evaluate whether the Media played any role in sorting any issues between two publc entities, namely a political party with a history of violence and a movie star with a strong sense of his basic rights, rightfully so, and most of the people came up with Barkha Dutt stuffed words down their throats as she led every answer to her own opinion! An entire week of the channel's shows and the 'almost superstar' statuses that their presenters enjoyed have led me to trust, if not smile at the hypocrisy that is so primitively publicised. They say the public at large has a minuscule memory but the art of placing the open debate open is a work of pure marketing propaganda! thank you NDTV. I am learning!
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